The Genealogical Society of East Alabama - Tap Roots 

Tap Roots, our Quarterly Journal

Members of GSEA receive, and are encouraged to submit to, our quarterly journal, Tap Roots, which has been published continuously since 1963. The wealth of information within its pages is asounding - in the more than 220 issues, there are almost 3,000 artlcles: biographies, family, church and community histories, court and probate records, school records, vital records, military rolls and histories, diaries, and obituaries. 634 cemeteries from the five-county area have been enumerated and published in Tap Roots and its "Special Editions".

For Submission guidelines, download our Submission Guidelines

If you haven't yet joined or renewed for this year (May 1 through April 30), to get your membership started or renewed, head over to the Join/Renew page, so you won't miss any future issues.

Past Issues

Check out our 50th Anniversary issue, which chronicled our first half-century.

The Society has most of the past Tap Roots issues at $8.00 per issue. See the Publications.php page for ordering copies or complete volumes

To help you in your research, we have compiled an ExcelTM file that is sortable and filterable. from the first 57 years.

We also have pulled Tables on Contents and Indexes from all Tap Roots into 6 searchable PDFs. See the links on this page.

We also offer copies of specific articles for a small fee, if you know the article(s) subject and issue. Email your request and we will respond with a quote.