The Genealogical Society of East Alabama - About Us 

The Genealogical Society of East Alabama, Inc.

an Internal Revenue Service 501(C)(3) charity and an Alabama Non-Profit Corporation

The Genealogical Society of East Alabama, Inc. (GSEA), is a 501(c)3, non-profit, all-volunteer, charitable organization registered in the state of Alabama. EIN: 63-0808922. We are funded by membership dues, publication sales, and donations. 100% of the funds we receive go directly to our mission in educating and improving society as a result of sharing genealogical and historical information and cemetery preservation.

Donations, gifts, bequests and contributions may qualify as a charitable deduction for Federal and/or State income tax laws. Please consult with your tax advisor to determine whether your donation is tax deductible in whole or in part.

Being non-profit means there are specfic rules to follow in how we conduct ourselves. We must be ethical, accountable, honest and trustworthy to the community, our members and our volunteers. We are governed by a constitution and by-laws. We are run by a slate of elected officers and board of directors, and our trustees insure our financial dealings are above-board.

The current officers, directors and trustees can be found in each issue of Tap Roots or by going to msginv.php to message us and we'd be happy to provide the informatiom.

The Society was instrumental in getting the Alabama Legislature to pass the law in 2004 creating the Lee County Cemetery Preservation Commission to protect and maintain cemeteries in Lee County. See the links for more.